-Eco Info-
The Easiest Way To Save Money and Energy
The Easiest Way To Save Money and Energy
Change The "Light" Between 2012 and 2014 standard incandescent light bulbs must use 30% less energy to meet minimum efficient standards. |
What does it all mean?
- Manufacturers simply won't be allowed to manufacture certain bulbs as time goes on. - There is a range of specialty incandescent bulbs that are exceptions, like appliance bulbs and some decorative options. - Moving forward, you will have choices from better technology like Energy-Efficient Soft White C.F.L.s (Compact Fluorescent Lights) and L.E.D.s (Light Emmiting Diodes). If you're not sure which lighting is best for you, let Green Mojo Eco Consulting "shed some light" and help you decide. |